
package stacktraces

Contains the model classes for stack traces.


Examples of interesting nodes are:

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. stacktraces
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class ExceptionMessageNode (message: String) extends StackTraceASTNode with Product with Serializable

    It wraps the string representing the message of an exception.

    It wraps the string representing the message of an exception.


    The exception message.

  2. case class SourceLocationNode (fileName: String, lineNumber: Option[Int]) extends StackTraceASTNode with Product with Serializable

    It represent the location of the source code.

    It represent the location of the source code.


    a string representing the Java or a Scala source file. It can also assume values like "Compiled Source", "Unknown Source" or "Native Method".


    an optional integer presenting the line where the exception has been propagated. Not available if there is no source file available.

  3. trait StackTraceASTNode extends HASTNode

    It represent the root trait for all the StackTrace AST nodes.

  4. case class StackTraceLineNode (methodName: QualifiedIdentifierNode, location: SourceLocationNode) extends StackTraceASTNode with Product with Serializable

    It represents a stacktrace line in the form "at QualifiedName(SourceLocation).

    It represents a stacktrace line in the form "at QualifiedName(SourceLocation). For example ch.usi.inf.parsing.ClassQualifiedName.methodName("

    See also

    QualifiedName, SourceLocation

  5. case class StackTraceMoreExceptions (missingExceptions: Int) extends StackTraceASTNode with Product with Serializable

    Wraps the number of missing exceptions in a stack trace.

    Wraps the number of missing exceptions in a stack trace.


    the number of missing exceptions in a stack trace.

  6. case class StackTraceNode (threadName: Option[StackTraceThreadNameNode], exceptionName: QualifiedIdentifierNode, message: Option[String], lines: Seq[StackTraceLineNode], moreExceptions: Option[StackTraceMoreExceptions], causedByTraces: Seq[StackTraceNode]) extends StackTraceASTNode with Product with Serializable

    It represents a stack trace.

    It represents a stack trace. in the form QualifiedName (":" ?) (message ?) (StackTraceLine +)


    a qualified name representing the the exception raised


    a string representing an optional message for the exception


    a list of stacktrace lines representing the trace.

    See also

    QualifiedName, SourceLocation, StackTraceLine

  7. case class StackTraceThreadNameNode (threadName: String) extends StackTraceASTNode with Product with Serializable

    Wraps the thread name in an exception.

    Wraps the thread name in an exception.


    the name of the thread.

Value Members

  1. object StackTraceImplicits

    If imported, allows to generate code from a StackTraceASTNode

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
